Infigo is a trading name of Infigo Software Limited.
Infigo is incorporated in England, under company number 07232055. Our VAT number is 991732881.
Our registered office is: Littlehaven House, 24-26 Littlehaven Lane, Horsham, UK RH12 4HT
Our business address is: Unit 10 Enterprise Park, Lewes Road, Lindfield West Sussex, RH16 2LH.
Our Terms and Conditions can be found here.
Our Privacy Policy can be found here.
Our Cookie Policy can be found here.
Our Security Information can be found here.
- All traffic to and from Infigo is encrypted (TLS v1.2)
- Database and files are encrypted via industry-standard cryptography
- Any customer data can be deleted upon request. Once data has been deleted, it cannot be recovered. For transactional purposes and audits, some PII (order information, IP addresses) may stay within the system for longer.
- Infigo is fully compliant with GDPR
- During development and investigation, we will use custom generated test data
- If live user data is required to investigate an issue outside the production environment, we will get written permission first before this is performed. Data will be obfuscated as much as possible while still being able to reproduce the issue. We will provide written confirmation of deletion of the data once no longer needed.
We incorporate accessibility features as part of our development process, and continue to improve our existing tools as we develop them.
If a member of our team moves on to other employment, processes are in place to ensure that all devices and information are returned at the end of the last working day.
Why choose Infigo?
Launched in 2010, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to help your business grow and succeed.
Our solution
We offer a complete web-to-print solution, with add-on modules, 3rd party integrations and dedicated support.
Success stories
See practical examples of how we’ve helped our customers adapt and grow with our web-to-print solution.