Blog: Denis Burlacu becomes Head of Technical Operations

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Following our recent adoption of the new Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS) management structure, Infigo is delighted to announce another well-deserved internal promotion.

Having worked in our Moldova office for over half a decade, we are excited to announce that Denis Burlacu, has been promoted to Head of Technical Operations, who during his six years with Infigo, has risen through the ranks, originally joining the company as a Junior Developer.

New structure and new Managing Director

Under the EOS system, Infigo founder, Douglas Gibson, continues his role as CEO, with Alex Bowell, who has been with Infigo for more than a decade, promoted to Managing Director. Formally Infigo Head of Customer Success, Greg Young, who has also achieved his 10-year milestone, steps-up as Head of Customer Experience.

Instrumental in creating new processes

Alex said Denis’s ascension through the ranks was a testament to Infigo’s commitment to developing internal talent and rewarding those who consistently demonstrate our core values – Accountability, Commitment, Innovation, Customer focus, and Professionalism.

He said: “The success we’ve had at Infigo, particularly over the last five years is down to the people that work here. And as a software company that is constantly pushing the boundaries of web-to-print software, we need creative, innovative thinkers that will go the extra mile for colleagues and clients to get the job done. And no one exemplifies this attitude more than Denis.

“He has played a key role in creating new processes that significantly accelerate development, bringing substantial benefits to both our product and the company as a whole. Denis is someone who believes you can achieve anything with the right tools and right people and he leads by example on a daily basis setting a remarkable benchmark to the rest of his team. As a result, he has consistently been recognised as a ‘rising star’ at our annual Infigo awards and was, therefore, the natural choice to be promoted into this newly created position.”

Appointment will have huge benefit to customers

Greg expressed that he looks forward to collaborating even more closely with Denis, serving as a bridge between the development team and the customer.

He said: “It’s my job to ensure that our users are truly getting the best out of the platform and often that requires development work on that client’s specific workflow. While the customer facing teams have always had an effective working relationship with the developers, with Denis in this new position, we will be able to vastly improve those communication channels and work more efficiently.”

Denis said that while he was delighted with the promotion, it had been a natural progression within the organisation.

He said: “I have been moving more into a management role, focussing on how to align development more with the business. However, it shows that anything is possible at Infigo. I started off with the company back in 2018, as a Junior Developer, and the company has always supported individuals’ growth. If you show a desire to progress, then they will provide all the resources and opportunities you need.”

However, Denis explained that as a non-native English speaker, his career at Infigo hadn’t been without its challenges.

He said: “As well as learning as much as possible from the tech industry, there has also been the challenges of working with others from different cultures, speaking different languages. But it’s all been worth it!”

Backed by our Moldovan family

Despite being 1600 miles from our main UK headquarters, the Moldovan team, of which Denis is based, are heavily involved in all aspects of the business. Not only are Denis and the team heavily influential in business decisions and strategy, they also throw themselves into the social activities that form the Infigo culture.

Alex added “Despite them being a 3+ hour plane ride away, we regularly get together as a company – whether its for a hackathon, a company party/conference or even a Moldovan wedding – we do it together. The connection we have and the synergy from their team can be felt throughout business and they have been a key factor in our global success to-date.”

So, join us in congratulating Denis for such a fantastic achievement during his exciting journey within the business.


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